At a meeting of delegates from all the Lodges in this state, at Chillicothe, on the first Monday of January (4th), in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight; and in the year of light five thousand eight hundred and eight; were present, to wit: Robert Oliver, Ichabod Nye, William Skinner from Union Lodge No. 1; Thomas Henderson, Francis Mennessier, from Cincinnati Lodge, No. 13; Thomas Gibson, Elias Langham, from Scioto Lodge, No. 2; John W. Seely, George Tod, Erie Lodge No. 47; Isaac Van Horn, Lewis Cass from Amity Lodge, No.105

On January 7th, A.D. 1808
  The convention then proceeded to elect, by ballot, the following officers of the Grand Lodge, viz: -- Brother Rufus Putnam, Right Worshipful Grand Master; Brother Thomas Henderson, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master; Brother George Tod Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden; Brother Isaac Van Horn; Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden; Brother Henry Massie, Grand Treasurer; Brother David Putnam, Grand Secretary; Brother Philemon Beecher, Grand Senior Deacon; Brother Levin Belt, Grand Junior Deacon, Brother Charles Augustus Stewart, Grand Marshal; Brother Peter Spurck, Grand Tyler. Convention then adjourned until Saturday evening, six o’clock.

The following is from a booklet printed by The Cleveland Masonic Library & Museum in 2008 commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and was printed with the Grand Lodge’s permission.

Proceedings of the Grand Convention of Free Masons, in the State of Ohio
Published for the Society
Printed by Brothers Parcels & Barnes
A.L. 5808----- A.D. 1808

     At a meeting of delegates from all the Lodges in this state, at Chillicothe, on the first Monday of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight; and in the year of light five thousand eight hundred and eight; were present, to wit:

Brother’s Robert Oliver, R.A.                }From Union
                Ichabod Nye, R.A.                }Lodge
                William Skinner R.A.               }No. 1

Thomas Henderson, M.M.                     }From Cincinnati
Francis Mennessier, M.M.                      }Lodge, No. 13

Thomas Gibson, R.A.                              }From Scioto                            
Elias Langham, R.A.                                }Lodge, No. 2

James Kilbourn                                         }New England Lodge No. 48

George Tod, P.M.                                    }Erie Lodge
John W. Seely, P.M.                                 }No. 47

Isaac VanHorn, P.M.                              }Amity Lodge
Lewis Cass, R.A.                                      }No. 105

Brother Robert Oliver was called to the chair, and Brother Tod was appointed Secretary.

The credentials presented by the delegates from Union Lodge, from Cincinnati Lodge, from Scioto Lodge, from Amity Lodge, and from Erie Lodge, were examined and pronounced satisfactory—they accordingly took their seats in the convention.

The credentials of the delegates from New England Lodge were taken into consideration: whereon, objections arising thereto:     

On Motion,
     The further consideration thereof was postponed, to be resumed to-morrow evening. The following resolution was moved by brother Cass and seconded by brother Seely, “that it is expedient to form a Grand Lodge in this state.” A debate arising thereon, an adjournment was called for: whereupon, the convention adjourned until to-morrow evening, six o’clock.

January 5th, A. D. 1808
     In pursuance to adjournment, the convention met at six o’clock P.M. Present as yesterday.  The credentials of the delegates from the New England Lodge, were again taken into consideration, on which it was moved by brother Langham, that the delegates from the New England Lodge, be not permitted to take a seat in this convention: whereupon, it was resolved that the delegates from that Lodge do not take a seat.

     It was further resolved that the convention vote by Lodges – one vote to each. The resolution moved yesterday. “That it is expedient to form a Grand Lodge in the state of Ohio;” was unanimously agreed to.

     It was moved my brother Langham, and seconded by brother Cass, that a commission of five be appointed to draft and report to this convention, rules to carry into effect the foregoing provisions – and on the question the same was agreed to. Brothers Oliver, Nye, Van Horn, Henderson and Gibson, were appointed to compose that commission. Instructions were given this commission to make report at the next adjourned meeting of this convention.

The convention then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening, at six o’clock.

January 7th, A.D. 1808
          In pursuance to adjournment, the convention met, present as yesterday. Brother Van Horn, chairman of the commission, appointed to report rules to carry into effect the foregoing provisions, handed in the following report, which was read, and agreed to, to wit:
     The commission appointed on the fifth instant, to prepare resolutions for carrying into effect a resolution previously passed in convention, viz. “It is expedient to form a Grand Lodge in the state of Ohio,” do report as follows:

     Resolved, That a Grand Lodge be formed, to be known and stiled the Grand Lodge of Ohio, whose powers shall be to grant charters and dispensations on proper application, to all such as shall apply, and shall be deemed worthy, and shall have jurisdiction over the same; and shall in all respects be clothed with full powers as a Grand Lodge, according to ancient and due form, and agreeably to the rules and land marks of Masonry.

     Resolved, That this convention now proceed to the choice of Grand Officers, to compose the said Grand Lodge.

     Resolved, That the said Grand Lodge do hold their first Grand communication, on the first Monday in January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine, unless sooner convened by the order of the right worshipful Grand Master; which Grand communication shall be held at whatever place the legislature of Ohio, shall then be in session; Provided, That if the right worshipful Grand master shall think proper to call a Grand communication before the first Monday of January next, the shame shall convene at Chillicothe.

     Resolved, That the several Lodges now represented in this convention, prior to the first Grand communication of the proposed Grand Lodge, do transmit to their respective Grand Lodges, and request a certificate thereof.

     Resolved, That at the first Grand communication, it shall be the duty of each lodge now in convention, to transmit several charters, and a copy of their by-laws, together with the certificates obtained from their respective Grand Lodges; which charters shall be disposed of as the Grand Lodge shall direct – and they shall issue new charters to the said Lodges herein represented, numbering them in their order, beginning with the most ancient date,

     Resolved, That the Secretary of this convention, do transmit to the Grand Master elect, a certified copy of the proceedings of this convention, and in its name request acceptance of the office he is elected to fill, and that he take such measures as to him shall seem proper, in order to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions.  Whereupon the resolutions were read by the secretary, and severally agreed to.

     The convention then proceeded to elect, by ballot, the following officers of the Grand Lodge, viz: -- Brother Rufus Putnam, right worshipful grand master; brother Thomas Henderson, right worshipful deputy grand master; brother George Tod right worshipful senior grand warden; brother Isaac Van Horn, right worshipful junior grand warden; brother Henry Massie, grand treasurer; brother David Putnam, grand secretary; brother Philemon Beecher, grand senior deacon; brother Levin Belt, grand junior deacon, brother Charles Augustus Stewart, grand marshal; brother Peter Spurck, grand tyler. Convention then adjourned until Saturday evening, six o’clock.
January 8th, A.D. 1808

     In pursuance to adjournment, the convention met; were present as yesterday.

     Resolved, That the members of this convention, subscribe these their proceedings; and that the secretary furnish the delegates of each lodge in this convention, with a accurate copy thereof. Done in convention, at Chillicothe, the eight day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Robert Oliver                                     }From Union
Ichabod Nye,                                     }Lodge
William Skinner                                  }No. 1

Thomas Henderson,                           }From Cincinnati
Francis Mennessier,                           }Lodge, No. 13

Thomas Gibson,                                 }From Scioto                            
Elias Langham,                                  }Lodge, No. 2

John W. Seely,                                   }Erie Lodge
George Tod,                                       }No. 47

Isaac VanHorn, .                                }Amity Lodge
Lewis Cass,                                        }Lodge, No.105
                                                    GEORGE TOD, sec’y

This certifies that the proceeding is a correct copy of the original in my possession.
                                                      GEORGE TOD, sec’y




MWB Samuel Huntington:  Grand Master in 1809/10

MWB Lewis Cass:  Grand Master in 1810-1811-1812

MWB Henry Bush:  Grand Master in 1813-1814-1815-1816-1817 

MWB Chester Griswold: Grand Master 1818

 MWB John Snow:  Grand Master in 1819-1820-1821-1822-182