Meridian Sun Lodge #69 is the oldest lodge in Summit County, and is older than Summit County itself. We were chartered back in 1824 when Richfield was part of Medina County. It wasn't until 1840 when Summit County was created from townships taken from Medina, Portage and Stark Counties. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and help in the community the best that we can.
This is a sample of what we do in our lodge and in our community. The list is not here for accolades or recognition, for that is not why we do them. We humbly do these because we care. This list is here solely to give a foundation to the fact that we do good works in both the lodge and the community.
- Combined with other Ohio Lodges, contributed $140,000 to the Ohio Special Olympics
- Organize Richfield's Community Day Parade Highway Cleanup , 176 just North of Countryside Florist
- Scholarships for members and Revere students
- Make good men better using lessons reinforcing brotherly love, relief, truth and other important virtues
- March in the Memorial Day Parade
- Work with the Sons of Amvets to host the Steak Fry Dinner community day weekend - Contribute to the Ohio Masonic Home and assisted living centers
- Contribute to Craftsman Park
- Contribute to SLOA Food Basket Drive
- Contribute to DeMolay